PD Credits for Canadian ECEs

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576 video courses
10 podcasts
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232 instructors
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Elevate Your Success in 2024: The Power of Virtues in Business

Arun Mathur

The New Year brings a familiar buzz of resolutions, but let's face it – many of us have been down that road only to find our enthusiasm wane ...
The Science of Happiness: Unveiling the Chemistry

Alexia Georghiou

Mental well-being is an emerging “hot topic” for organizational systems, employees and clients/customers/patients. Happiness is a creative way to ...
Tying Organizational Values into the Employee Review Process: A Guide to Rewarding Values-Driven Employees

Alexia Georghiou

Introduction Every organization has a set of core values that define its culture and guide its operations. These values often represent the ...
Active Listening and Empathetic Disarming of Conflict

Alexia Georghiou

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, be it personal or professional. In the realm of conflict resolution, the ...
What are the key people management skills?

Liz Makin

People management is the process of guiding, motivating, managing and leading others to achieve the organisation strategy, goals and objectives. ...
What is the impact of stress on organisations?

Liz Makin

When you think about stress it is usually in terms of the impact on the person who is stressed. However, there are much wider implications of a ...


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